Welcome to Learn FTCC!
The Website for Online, Non-Degree, Continuing Education Courses!
Scholarships for select courses may be available to you! Please visit www.faytechcc.edu/corporate-continuing-education for eligibility and application processes.
Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) is proud to offer online Continuing Education courses for individuals who are interested in obtaining occupational training! Program and course topics range from medical coding to teacher renewal and test preparation. Many of the Learn FTCC programs and courses assist individuals with obtaining Continuing Education Units (CEU's) to meet professional Continuing Education requirements or prepare individuals for industry certification exams! Explore our website to determine the online course and career track that is right for you!
For questions about online programs and courses, please contact FTCC at (910) 678-8446.
Please ask FTCC staff about Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) programs that students can participate in upon successful completion of several Corporate and Continuing Education occupational training courses and their corresponding industry certifications!
The Learn FTCC courses are for North Carolina residents only. Military affiliated students who are stationed at a North Carolina military base are eligible to take Learn FTCC courses.